Our cell phones have become a big part of our lives. texting while driving, or even worse when they are talking on the phone and driving. What are the facts and law about texting and driving? This is everything you need to know before you are texting again, while you are behind the wheel of your car.

On a personal level, I have seen texting and driving many times. Everytime i drive anywhere, i can see someone looking down at their phone instead of the road. It is almost turned into an epidemic. School your teenagaers and take heed. I think the issue of texting while driving will only get worse.

Statistics of texting and driving

Half of the car accidents in the US have phone involved, either by texting and driving, or taking phone calls.

It is shocking when you are looking at the statistics of using a phone while driving. Many people think that the government is overreacting to the new laws about texting or phoning while driving. The moment that you see these statistics, you will understand that this is becoming a serious problem and that there are so many people getting injured or die because of using their phones while they are driving:

Texting and Driving  statistics on Teenagers

Teenage Car accidents from texting and driving or cell phone usage are very alarming. About 82% of teenagers own a cell phone, and they use it.

Why is it dangerous to text and drive?

There are three main reasons why it is so dangerous to text and drive. And, this the part that so many people don’t understand. They think that the rules about texting are ridiculous, until they are in a car accident. These are the three main reasons why it is so dangerous to text while you are driving.

You don’t concentrate on the road anymore

Your mind is with the text that you need to answer. And, if this is a text that can cause trauma or get angry, it is more likely that your concentration is going to be with the text and not with driving safely.

Your hand isn’t on the steering wheel

The moment that you are starting to text back, your hand isn’t on the steering wheel anymore. This can mean that you can’t react fast when you are in danger of causing an accident. You can lose control of your vehicle a lot faster, and you will be more likely to cause a car accident because of it.

Your eyes are not on the Road

• The last and most important reason is that you are taking your eyes off the road. The most dangerous thing that you can do. You need to look what you are texting. And, no matter how good you are at texting, you are going to take your eyes off the road. Even, just a second can cause a huge accident with fatalities or serious injuries.

When you are talking and driving, your eyes are on the road, but your mind and concentration isn’t on the road. And, you will not have both hands on the steering wheel. The one hand is holding your phone.

Does this mean that talking on your phone and driving is safer?

When you are looking at the statistics, and you see that texting and car accidents are so serious, does that mean that you can talk on your phone and drive? No, this doesn’t mean that talking on your phone while driving is any safer. You are still not focussing on the road and other road users. You are still going to take your eyes off the road to see who is calling and to answer the phone.

This is why you are getting hands-free device that you can install in your vehicle. It is preventing you from looking away or for taking your hands off the steering wheel. This can be something that can save lives.

What is the law saying?

There are many rules and regulations about texting and driving in the US. It is illegal to text and drive, or even to talk on the phone without a hands-free device while you are driving. In some states, it is illegal for teens younger than 17 to drive with a hands-free device. Even, if this means that they will have their eyes on the road. Texting and driving is a criminal offense and most states are taking this seriously. Especially, if you have caused an accident while texting and driving, and someone has died or is seriously injured because of you.

We just Continue reading bought a new vehicle not too long ago. Before we left the dealer, the salesman had to connect and explain all the bluetooth features of the vehicle. Vehicles that are manufactured now have to come with bluetooth and be hands free. I was told, don’t know if this is true, that every salesman or woman has to explain the bluetooth features on any car or truck they sell and connect a device before the car leaves the lot.

Laws to vary from state to state concerning use of cell phones and driving, so this is not definitive to just one state.

What is going to happen when you are in an accident that was caused by using a cell phone?

There are a couple of things that can happen when you are in an accident that was caused by using a phone. You need to get the right amount of evidence, that the person used their phones while they were driving. Because this is their fault, it is also their responsibility to repair the vehicle and to pay for any medical bills because of the injuries caused by the  car accident. Your license can even be taken away, and you will not be able to drive for between 6 and 18 months. Depending on the seriousness of the car accident.

Making it safer to use your phone while driving

It is important to know how you can make it safer to use your phone while you are operating a car or truck. If you are afraid that you are going to get a text, you can switch off your phone, or put it into silent mode. If you don’t know that you received a text or phone call, you will not be influenced to answer and to risk your life and the life of all the other road users. It is best to have a hands-free device that will make sure that you are able to talk to the person without taking their eyes off the road and to ensure that there isn’t any car accident caused by any form of texting.

Texting and driving. We are getting warnings all the time about doing this. This is serious and you should never, ever answer or text on your phone while you are operating a vehicle. This is going to give you a lot of problems and heartache. Leaving your text until you have parked your car might mean the difference between life and death.

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Why are some people afraid to see a doctor after a car accident

This might really sound strange, but there are people that are afraid to go see a car accident doctor after a crash. Especially, if they had delayed injuries and doesn’t really know if they are seriously injured or not. You might be one of them that are really afraid to see a doctor after a car wreck. Here are some reasons why people are afraid to go see an auto accident doctor and some information that might help you if you are struggling with the decision to see a doctor immediately.

Most people don’t know the accident doctor

Going to the doctor is always nerve wrecking. Especially, for people that don’t like a stranger to feel on their bodies and to ask to intimidate questions. And, when they need to go see an accident doctor that is truly a stranger, they are freaking out and leaving it for later. Later becomes never.

We are use to the family physician that we are seeing for our health issues. And, when you were in a car accident, this is the last thing that you can do. Then you need to see an accident doctor. A stranger that doesn’t know anything about you, and you don’t anything about him. Making people panic and cause them to live with the pain instead of going to the doctor.

They are afraid of how serious the injury might be

You know that there is something wrong with you. You feel it in the headaches, stomach ache or any other problem that you might have because of the injury. And, because we are always hearing about how serious these injuries might be, we don’t want to hear that our health is in jeopardy.

So, they rather leave it alone and hope that the injuries will disappear. Something that might end up a stupid decision. A delaying injury that is left untreated is going to come back and is going to give you problems for a long time. It is always better to get the right treatment really fast.

Some people were in a serious accident before and they know how serious an injury can be

The other reason why people are afraid to see an Homepage accident doctor is that they were in a serious car accident before. And, they know that they might have the same injury again that were serious the last time. This can make people freak out and not go to the accident doctor in the first place.

We might think that because they have experience in an accident and how serious an accident injury can be, that they are those that are going to an accident doctor immediately. But, the one thing that we are all forgetting, is that trauma can make us not think logically and is only considering the fact that they don’t want the same trauma as the previous time.

Know that the accident doctor is on your side

It is important to know that the accident doctor is on your side. That you are going to someone that is really understanding how you are feeling and that will be able to assist you with all your questions and fears.

Even, if this is something that you have never met, the person is taking your injuries very seriously and he knows that you are traumatized and scared. They are on your side and assist you in any way that they can. And, if you aren’t afraid of them, you will be a lot more comfortable and you will get over this trauma a lot faster. Don’t underestimate the understanding that an accident doctor has for you, a victim of a car wreck.

It is always better to know than to wonder

Just think about it. You are stressing the whole day, about the injury and pain you are feeling, not knowing what might be wrong. During this time, you could start to recover from the accident, relax and know that you aren’t that seriously injured. But, the only way that you can know this, is if you are going to an accident doctor for a serious checkup.

IT might be sounding strange, but it is always better to know what you are dealing with, then not to know and to wonder for days. And, at the end of the day, the injury wasn’t serious at all. If the injury ends up serious, you will have the reassurance that you are in good hands and that you will be able to recover in no time.

The sooner you are going, the less serious it might be

Something to consider is if you have a serious injury that you don’t know about it, you can’t do anything about it. Meaning, the injury might just get more serious and even life-threatening.  The sooner you are going to the accident doctor, the sooner the treatment can start.

And, the better chance you have on surviving the serious injury that you might have. There are some delayed injuries that can cause death if you don’t get it treated as fast as possible. One of these injuries is internal bleeding. It can be hard to face the fact that you were in a car accident and that you might have a delayed injury that might be serious. But, the only way to get better and to forget about the accident is to get assistance from an accident doctor as soon as possible.

Yes, believe it or not. There are many people that are too afraid to go see an accident doctor after an car wreck. There are many reasons for it, and it is understandable if you are considering the amount of trauma that they are going through. This is why it is important to make sure that you consider all your facts, the pros, and cons of going to an accident doctor before you decide to stay away. You just might save your own life, or prevent a serious injury from getting worse. It might be hard, but this is the only way to make sure that you are fine and that you will be able to recover mentally and physically.